I don't know if some of you might remember this thread i made https://www.nairaland.com/8006821/should-go-masters-degree-remai where i contemplated going for a masters degree instead of remaining jobless at home. Well after assimilating all the advice i got from that thread, i decided to kill two birds with one stone and apply for the masters degree while also getting a laptop to start an online business in writing and copywriting which is where my passion lies.

Shortly after i got the laptop i found a creative writing opportunity via reddit and applied. One of the requirements for the job was to have a really fast typing speed (minimum of 60 words per minute). I just got my laptop so my typing speed was really slow but i resolved to increase it by practicing daily for a month and i grew from 35wpm to 62wpm which the job required.

That was just the beginning, the recruitment process for the job was done through a platform called Discord and they had a specific writing style that they wanted to inculcate in the applicants via daily trainings after which you will have to pass some exams. I started actively training for about a month and felt i was confident enough to take the intro exam, which i did and performed excellently so i moved on to the last stage.

Now this is where things got kind of complicated because this last stage required me to share my laptop screen in real time, kinda like a video call and prepare creative writing scripts for different scenarios that will be provided also in real time. The session was supervised by the recruiters and would last for 4 hours. I was fully locked in and confident in all that i had already learnt from training, However, the time for the test came and i was given a resource to download that i would use in writing these scripts. After downloading, setting it up on my laptop and then hopping on the live video call with the supervisors, i could not for the life of me get it to run efficiently, it was extremely slow and kept giving me a connection error feedback, I use MTN 4G and can't believe that the network chose that moment to start acting up. I still don't know if the real culprit is my laptop (2017 hp elitebook) or MTN network but after i switched to 3g and tried to hop back on the call to apologize to the supervisors for having a network glitch, i realized they had already blocked me, so i wasn't even given a chance to showcase my skills and this is what pains me most.

This is the reason that was given: "poor internet on a remote job, i'm sorry but it cannot work".

I'm so devastated, all the effort, time and resources invested into becoming a perfect fit for the job has been washed away in a blink. Now, i'm back home in my mom's house, in shame and defeat, with less than #1k to my name having used all my savings to get the laptop and for data subscriptions. I'm just lost on what to do right now, i have been admitted but i can't even go for the masters i applied for anymore and i was thinking to myself that even though i had gotten the job, how would i have kept up with the 8 hours per shift work schedule when there is very epileptic power supply where i live.

Is success still possible in Nigeria for those that are still struggling? or are we all doomed to fail again and again, especially for those of us looking to succeed online. I'm 26 atm and i don't know how long this will continue, it's just like all the forces of nature are working against me being rich and successful. Where can i find the motivation to search for something else to do in order to be productive when everything always ends in failure? is there even anything else to do?

Sorry for the long post, just thought i should share my experience and this is like the only platform that i can vent due to not really having anyone to talk to irl.


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